FASTA Format Description line starting by '>' followed by name and then description; Sequence in standard IUB/IUPAC amino acid and nucleic acid codes starting on the next line until description line of next sequence or end of file is reached. '-' often represents a gap of indeterminated length. Example: >albumin of human origin MKWVTFISLLFLFSSAYSRGVFRRDAHKSEVAHRFKDLGEENFKALVLIAFAQYLQQCPFEDHVKL VNEVTEFAKTCVADESAENCDKSLHTLFGDKLCTVATLRETYGEMADCCAKQEPERNECFLQHKDD NPNLPRLVRPEVDVMCTAFHDNEETFLKKYLYEIARRHPYFYAPELLFFAKRYKAAFTECCQAADK [...] The description line (or header line) is often used to add information, but without clear consensus; here are a few usages: >name >name description >name accession description >namespace|accession.version|name description >gi|identifier|namespace|accession.version|name description (NCBI) Example: >gi|412163|emb|CAA00606.1| albumin [Homo sapiens]